Shorty Bop´s La la land: Happy feet!
Happy feet! STOP! LOOK! Cork lamps · Francoise Nielly · Buttons with style! Volcanic explosion! WeCS Concept Store Oslo! ► August (14). Art on the menu · Art furniture · Little bit of everything! Cardboard carpet · Barcode! ...
Dancing happy feet
After so many phone calls and explanations and arguments... finally, I have my neoregelias delivered to my gate - this very morning! Whew... now I realize what troublesome it might take to receive living plants through international ...
Patterico's Pontifications » NEA Update: Yosi Sergant Resigns ...
Also, I love happyfeet. Comment by MayBee — 9/25/2009 @ 8:30 am. blog posts appear in the print edition. How common of a practice is it for blog posts to appear in the printed version of the LA Times? But, it is easy to see when people ...
Happy Socks Happy Feet
When the grey days get you down, look no further than your feet to cheer you up! Happy socks come in lots of great patterns and colors and the most exciting part they are sized for both men and women. $10!!!
Nice and Easy - Legendary Performers - Unforgettable Songs: The ...
Here, Van Alexander pays tribute to the Savoy with his exciting new arrangements that grew and floursihed as "The Home of Happy Feet." (from liner notes of Capitol T1243 (mono) This was one of the albums that influenced my musical ...
Happy Feet Friday
Look at my squash! Awesome! Remember when I ripped out most of my beans because the neighbor sprayed something? Well, a select few blossomed in early September. Really. September. I was getting ready to rip the rest of them out last ...
Sellers Library Teens: Happy Feet
Happy Feet. Yesterday, nine intrepid teens came out to our Teen Tap class in the barn! It was great fun, and everyone learned something. We went from doing just basic heel and shuffle steps to actually performing a little routine during ...
Slave to routine « HappyFeet n Me
I've become such a slave to routine. It's the only way I can get through every day. A routine born out of necessity. Honed down to every minute through the last few months of juggling baby and home and office. ...
Cornflower: Happy feet
I was taking stock of my 'wips' today and was fairly pleased that there were only four of them (other knitters - who shall be nameless - have typically rather more than that, it seems). But a few crafty rows...
what do these 3 dreams mean?
I’m in this place, the place where, well I guess you could say “the crazies” belong. I don’t remember much. I don’t remember why. All I know is I tried tried to kill myself. I cut to deep, bled too much. I don’t know why I tried, they said I had amnesia at first then as the days past I remembered, cutting, screaming for help, but after that I don’t remember at all. They say now I just don’t want to tell, some experts they are. I can’t possibly be crazy can I? I mean for years I made fun of the “emos” (stupid stereo types,) I can’t just be one of them now, can I? Well one thing is certain I’m going to figure this out. But I’m only one person how can I do that on my own? And besides Mommy and Daddy dearest sent me here because they believe that I am crazy and they don’t want to deal with a crazy teenager.
“Michelle, time to go.”
I’ve been in this godforsaken place for two years now. Two very long years. All I need to do is tell why I took to many pills, way too many for it to be accidental anyway. After all how can someone take almost a full bottle and it be accidental? Stupid to try to kill yourself but if you knew my story you’d understand. But like I’m going to tell you. I haven’t told anyone so why on earth would I tell you? I can never and will never revile the truth after all two years in a place like this, with just about every other teen who has tried to kill themselves and no one has told a soul with the exception of one or two people. I might hate this place but some of the people here are actually pretty cool. I mean we all tried and failed. But that’s beside the point. I guess you could say I care in some twisted way. But whatever.
“Jake, let’s go.”
I told once, my mother but she didn’t believe me. That’s the main reason why I’m here, in this place going on two years. I told once and once is enough, I will never tell again. You will never know the person I used to be, the person my friends and family miss but I’m not going to apologize for being who I am. I guess what they say is true teenage years are the hardest. Right? Of course they are you realize no one really cares there all just extremely good at pretending. No one wants to deal with you and you’re teenage problems. That’s why I’m here mom doesn’t want to deal with me. She says I’m a lying little bastered who just doesn’t want her happy. Whatever I really don’t care what she thinks after all she’s dead to me.
“Damien, time for the group discussion.”
Time for group therapy is what she meant. I have no clue what it will be like; I’ve been locked in the same room for weeks. They wouldn’t let me out; they brought me food and escorted me to the restroom. Left foot right foot left foot right foot I kept saying over and over again in my head so the halls wouldn’t bug me as much. I mean there so clean organized mot a thing out of place, to shiny for walls. You just want to mess it all up, at least I do. I just want to go somewhere, not home though Mommy and Daddy dearest would just send me right back here so they won’t have to deal with me. I mean I can’t even remember trying to kill myself then again the scar on my wrist is enough, Cut vertically way to deep for it to just be to revile stress. The guard, nurse whatever she is opened the door for me and there it was the group session, Two boys and now three girls. One boy had deep set blue eyes he has black hair it’s down in his face and he has muscle and looks like you might not want to piss him off. The second boy has Hazel eyes brown hair and is rather scrawny. The girl has short blonde hair green eyes and looks like she hasn’t eaten in weeks. I sit in the chair next to the girl.
“Everyone this is Michelle” Shelly, her name tag read, said. Everyone looked at my wrist and at the bandage it had on it
Is this a good beginning?
ok im 19 married with 3 children my eldest son is from my previous marriage i was married legally at 16 & divorced 2months after as my ex left me for another woman anyway ... my husband now is 26 anyway i used to be opinionated,confident,independant & outgoing been together with my husband for nearly 3 years i met him when i just turned 17 anyway now im not confident im quiet dont talk im dependant on my husband for everything i have anxiety & stress out when i talk to people i have lost my confidence my independence and my out going attitude now i mumble when i speak to people (My mother pointed that out ) i look to the ground i dont know how to talk to people face to face i feel like im not my own person that im what my husband has made me ....he is controlling right down to what i wear where i go etc.. he makes me feel sh*t pulls me down constantly example not a good mother, crazy, not a good woman, stupid & the list goes on i cant even get sick without him telling me off saying this is the last time he gives me permission to get sick until after 3 months as i went to the hospital because of an anxiety attack & he got the sh*ts as he says i always seem to be sick .. i always have to wait till he comes home from work to be able to go out anywhere (and never by myself) he pulls my family down tells me they dont care about me i dont have any friends and when i do have friends he pulls them down & makes me stop contacting them he doesnt take me out only to the local shopping centre and back home (as the kids are too small to be taken out he says & im selfish if i take them out ) he goes out everywhere by himself anyway i have turned into a b*tch towards him i dont care if he comes home or not sometimes i wish he would find another girl and leave me the heck alone i hate what he has done to me how he has made me feel he wont let me work, and if i put my foot down & say im doing this he will then make me feel so small like im nothing to the point i feel i cant do it .everything i dream of he tells me its going to happen then tells me its never going to happen & that im so self centred i then feel like i have done something wrong....i dont know how to handle this anymore i told my mother (as she pointed everything out to me ) & she tells me to work on my marriage to make it work no matter what (as i have fought with my aunts etc for him ) i feel so stupid for ever meeting him its like i have been blinded by him & now have woken up .... i suffer from depression & see a phycologist who recommends i go antidepressants as i have alot of sh*t to deal with 2 deaths in the family my grandmother being terminally ill & looking after 3 kids under 4 by myself (as she knows how my husband is) then waiting on my husband hand & foot ... so she thinks i need to be put on medication...im sick of my husband when we make love i just lay their thinking hurry up as i dont feel i love him anymore i cant laugh with him as he doesnt not in the slightest way make me happy and if i am happy he sees this and makes me angry or upset i feel like im not the person i used to be & i dont know what to do i cant talk to anyone so i come here for advice please dont say im stupid etc i know this but keep in consideration i was young and have been hurt alot in the past by men and he swept me off my feet made me feel like a princess he was never like this at the beginning until i had fell pregnant with our daughter then its like he owned me then the emotional abuse started my question is what do i do ? how do i get me back ? how do i try & stop him being so controlling ? i cant leave him i wont have anywhere to go no money nothing & my mother will send me back to him..
what do you do when everything that made you is gone?
its for 7th grade creative writing class.
The good fought the evil, won, and lived happily ever after.
That's how it always goes. The same things repeat over and over again, forming an almost fact: The evil always suffers.
There are two sides to my story. One from others' point of view, and one from mine, the story that is unnoticed. Most believe the others because they think that they're right. It's like a battle, 100 versus one. They are the happy ones.
I stare at the now blank whiteboard, then turn back to the corner of my notebook to finish doodling. The pattern was simple- two vertical lines, two horizonal lines, and circles in the boxes that the lines created.
As they wait for the last bell to ring, Derek whispers to the guy next to him, snickering. I give him the daggers, my lips tight. He flinches but turns around to his friend and conspicuously mouths,
I am not psycho, I am not mental, I am not evil or a ghost lingering around. I’m usually in the wrong place at the wrong time, causing an accident, riot, death… Of course, no one believes that. To them, I am the different one, the mental, psychopath 13 year old.
My family says I was a mistake, an accident that was not meant to be. They are ashamed to be seen with me and afraid that I really am evil. No one knows how much that hurts, to be unwanted. It was a huge gap in my life that I could not fill up like the squares in my notebook.
The bell rings, and I run up to the door before anyone else. Senora Rachelle yells at me to slow down, but I don’t care. The purgatory is over, and I can go to my happy place.
The fifth graders point at me, but I keep walking, ignoring them. I jump onto my red bike and pedal- one, two, one, tow. The trees and people are now a blur, and the wind blew my hair away from my face. I ride to the park, go behind the bushes into the most grassy area where the big pine tree stands, unnoticed by most.
This is my sanctuary. The only place I can be by myself for hours without being disturbed. It smells like nothing but grass. My own and personal heaven.
I peek over the fence. There’s a gang of high school football players picking on a small girl and talking dirty. People stare, but don’t do anything about it. I put my head down, fiddling with my fingers.
“…curse that Emma Gregory kid…” I overhear.
My head jerks back up. There is a sudden fire burning in my guts. No one had any right to blame me for everything bad that happened.
“…probably a modern day witch or something. She has those big creepy eyes…”
The heat roars and rises up to my face. My face is probably the color or pepperoni. Modern day witch? Where did they think they were, in a Hollywood movie?
Suddenly, out of nowhere, something invisible slams the football players with a strong force and they fly five feet from where they are standing. My fire cools, and I find my nails digging into my palm. I release them as they reveal four clear, pink lines.
The gang is freaking out. The big one is punching the smallest one, and the others are running away. So am I. I only look in front of me, nothing else.
What was I running from? The fear? The guilt? I don’t know. I move my feet at insane speed, almost hysterically. It feels like I’m walking on air, above the clouds, soaking in all the sunlight.
By the time I reach the house, my lungs are about to explode. Matt and Amber are sitting on the dining table doing their homework. Amber gives me a soft glare, one that never scares me. Matt ignores me, eating his pizza.
How is my story for creative writing class?
Sorry I left out some parts... D:
January 1 is. . . . . .First Foot Day and Z Day
January 2 is . . . . .Run Up the Flagpole and See if Anybody Salutes It Day
January 3 is . . . . .Festival of Sleep Day
January 4 is . . . . .Trivia Day and Humiliation Day
January 5 is . . . . .Bird Day
January 6 is . . . . .Bean Day
January 7 is . . . . .Old Rock Day
January 8 is . . . . . National Joy Germ Day and Man Watcher’s Day
January 9 is . . . . . Play God Day
January 10 is . . . . Peculiar People Day
January 11 is . . . . National Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friend Day
January 12 is . . . . Feast of Fabulous Wild Men Day
January 13 is . . . . Make Your Dream Come True Day and Blame Someone
Else Day
January 14 is . . . . National Dress Up Your Pet Day
January 15 is . . . . Hat Day
January 16 is . . . . Hot and Spicy Food International Day and National
Nothing Day
January 17 is . . . . Blessing of the Animals at the Cathedral Day
January 18 is . . . . Winnie the Pooh Day
January 19 is . . . . National Popcorn Day
January 20 is . . . . National Buttercrunch Day
January 21 is . . . . National Hugging Day
January 22 is . . . . National Answer Your Cat’s Question Day, National
Blonde Brownie Day
January 23 is . . . . National Handwriting Day, National Pie Day,
Measure Your Feet Day
January 24 is . . . . Eskimo Pie Patent Day
January 25 is . . . . Opposite Day
January 26 is . . . . Australia Day
January 27 is . . . . Punch the Clock Day and Thomas Crapper Day
January 28 is . . . . National Kazoo Day, Clash Day, Rattle Snake
Roundup Day
January 29 is . . . . National Cornchip Day
January 30 is . . . . Escape Day
January 31 is . . . . National Popcorn Day and Child Labor Day
February 1 is . . . . . Serpent Day
February 2 is . . . . . Purification Day
February 3 is . . . . . Cordova Ice Worm Day
February 4 is . . . . . Create A Vacuum Day
February 5 is . . . . . Disaster Day
February 6 is . . . . . Lame Duck Day
February 7 is . . . . . Charles Dickens Day
February 8 is . . . . . Kite Flying Day
February 9 is . . . . . Toothache Day
February 10 is . . . . Umbrella Day
February 11 is . . . . White Tee-shirt Day and Don’t Cry Over Spilled
Milk Day
February 12 is . . . . National Plum Pudding Day
February 13 is . . . . Get A Different Name Day and Dream Your Sweet Day
February 14 is . . . . Ferris Wheel Day and National Heart to Heart Day (YAY!!!!!!!!)
February 15 is . . . . National Gum Drop Day
February 16 is . . . . Do A Grouch A Favor Day
February 17 is . . . . Champion Crab Races Day
February 18 is . . . . National Battery Day
February 19 is . . . . National Chocolate Mint Day
February 20 is . . . . Hoodie Hoo Day
February 21 is . . . . Card Reading Day
February 22 is . . . . Be Humble Day
February 23 is . . . . International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day
February 24 is . . . . National Tortilla Chip Day
February 25 is . . . . Pistol Patent Day (Samuel Colt)
February 26 is . . . . National Pistachio Day
February 27 is . . . . International Polar Bear Day
February 28 is . . . . Public Sleeping Day
February 29 is . . . . National Surf and Turf Day
March 1 is . . . . . National Pig Day and Peanut Butter Lover’s Day
March 2 is . . . . . Old Stuff Day
March 3 is . . . . . I Want You To Be Happy Day, Peach Blossom Day,
National Anthem Day
March 4 is . . . . . Holy Experiment Day
March 5 is . . . . . Personality Day
March 6 is . . . . . National Frozen Food Day
March 7 is . . . . . National Crown Roast Of Pork Day
March 8 is . . . . . Be Nasty Day
March 9 is . . . . . Panic Day
March 10 is . . . . Festival Of Life In The Cracks Day
March 11 is . . . . Johnny Appleseed Day and Worship of Tools Day
March 12 is . . . . Alfred Hitchcock Day
March 13 is . . . . Jewel Day
March 14 is . . . . National Potato Chip Day
March 15 is . . . . Buzzard’s Day and Everything You Think Is Wrong Day
March 16 is . . . . Everything You Do Is Right Day
March 17 is . . . . Submarine Day
March 18 is . . . . Supreme Sacrifice Day
March 19 is . . . . Poultry Day
March 20 is . . . . Proposal Day and Festival Of Extraterrestrial
Abductions Day
March 21 is . . . . Fragrance Day
March 22 is . . . . National Goof-off Day
March 23 is . . ….National Organize Your Home Office Day and National
Chip and Dip Day
March 24 is . . . . National Chocolate Covered Raisins Day
March 25 is . . . . Pecan Day and Waffle Day
March 26 is . . . . Make Up Your Own Holiday Day and Spinach Festival
March 27 is . . . . National “Joe” Day More Info on National “Joe” Day
March 28 is . . . . Something On A Stick Day
March 29 is . . . . Festival Of Smoke and Mirrors Day
March 30 is . . . . I Am In Control Day
March 31 is . . . . Bunsen Burner Day and National Clams On The Half
Shell Day
April 1 is . . . . . One Cent Day
April 2 is . . . . . National Peanut Butter and JelApril 3 is . . . . . Tweed Day and Don’t Go To Work Unless It’s Fun Day
April 4 is . . . . . Tell-A-Lie Day
April 5 is . . . . . Go For Broke Day
April 6 is . . . . . Sorry Charlie Day More Info on Sorry Charlie Day
April 7 is . . . . . No Housework Day
April 8 is . . . . . All Is Ours Day
April 9 is . . . . . Winston Churchill Day and Name Yourself Day
April 10 is . . . . Golfers Day
April 11 is . . . . Eight-Track Tape Day
April 12 is . . . . Look Up At The Sky Day
April 13 is . . . . Blame Somebody Else Day
April 14 is . . . . National Pecan Day
April 15 is . . . . Rubber Eraser Day
April 16 is . . . . National Stress Awareness Day and National Eggs
Benedict Day
April 17 is . . . . National Cheeseball Day
April 18 is . . . . International Jugglers Day
April 19 is . . . . National Garlic Day
April 20 is . . . . Look Alike Day
April 21 is . . . . Kindergarten Day
April 22 is . . . . National Jelly Bean Day
April 23 is . . . . Read Me Day and World Laboratory Animal Day
April 24 is . .April 24 is . . . . National Pigs In A Blanket Day
April 25 is . . . . National Zucchini Bread Day
April 26 is . . . . Richter Scale Day and National Pretzel Day
April 27 is . . . . Tell A Story Day
April 28 is . . . . Great Poetry Reading Day and Kiss-Your-Mate Day
April 29 is . . . . National Shrimp Scampi Day
April 30 is . . . . National Honesty Day
May 1 is . . . . . Mother Goose Day and Save The Rhino Day
May 2 is . . . . . Fire Day
May 3 is . . . . . Lumpy Rug Day
May 4 is . . . . . National Candied Orange Peel Day
May 5 is . . . . . National Hoagie Day
May 6 is . . . . . Beverage Day
May 7 is . . . . . International Tuba Day, Paste Up Day, National
Roast Leg of Lamb Day
May 8 is . . . . . No Socks Day and Have A Coke Day
May 9 is . . . . . Lost Sock Memorial Day
May 10 is . . . . Clean Up Your Room Day
May 11 is . . . . Eat What You Want Day and Twilight Zone Day
May 12 is . . . . Limerick Day
May 13 is . . . . Leprechaun DayI'm really sorry my C&P is screwing up :(May 14 is . . . . National Dance Like A Chicken Day
May 15 is . . . . National Chocolate Chip Day
May 16 is . . . . Wear Purple For Peace Day
May 17 is . . . . Pack Rat Day
May 18 is . . . . International Museum Day and Visit Your Relatives Day
May 19 is . . . . Frog Jumping Jubilee Day
May 20 is . . . . Eliza Doolittle Day
May 21 is . . . . National Memo Day and National Waitresses/Waiters Day
May 22 is . . . . Buy-A-Musical-Instrument Day
May 23 is . . . . Penny Day
May 24 is . . . . National Escargot Day
May 25 is . . . . National Tap Dance Day
May 26 is . . . . Grey Day
May 27 is . . . . Body Painting Arts Festival
May 28 is . . . . National Hamburger Day
May 29 is . . . . End Of The Middle Ages Day
May 30 is . . . . My Bucket’s Got A Hole In It Day
May 31 is . . . . National Macaroon Day
June 5 is . . . . . Festival Of Popular Delusions Day
June 6 is . . . . . Teacher’s Day and National Applesauce Cake Day
JunJune 1 is . . . . . Dare Day
June 2 is . . . . . National Rocky Road DayJune 3 is . . . . . Repeat Day
June 4 is . . . . . Old Maid’s Daye 7 is . . . . . National Chocolate
Ice Cream Day
June 8 is . . . . . Name Your Poison Day
June 9 is . . . . . Donald Duck Day
June 10 is . . . . National Yo-yo Day
June 11 is . . . . National Hug Holiday and King Kamehameha Day
June 12 is . . . . Machine Day
June 13 is . . . . National Juggling Day and Kitchen Klutzes Of America
June 14 is . . . . Pop Goes The Weasel Day
June 15 is . . . . Smile Power Day
June 16 is . . . . National Hollerin’ Contest Day
June 17 is . . . . Watergate Day and Eat Your Vegetables Day
June 18 is . . . . International Panic Day
June 19 is . . . . World Sauntering Day
June 20 is . . . . Ice Cream Soda Day
June 21 is . . . .Cuckoo Warning Day More Info on Cuckoo Warning Day
June 22 is . . . . National Chocolate Eclair Day
June 23 is . . . . National Pink Day
June 24 is . . . . Museum Comes To Life Day
June 25 is . . . . Log Cabin Day
June 26 is . . . . National Chocolate Pudding Day
June 27. . . . . National Strawberry Sundae Day
July 8 is . . . . . Video Games Day
July 9 is . . . . . National Sugar Cookie Day
July 10 is . . . . Clerihew Day
July 11 is . . . . National Cheer Up The Lonely Day
July 12 is . . . . National Pecan Pie Day
July 13 is . . . . Fool’s Paradise Day
July 14 is . . . . National Nude Day
July 15 is . . . . National Tapioca Pudding Day and Respect Canada Day
July 16 is . . . . International Juggling Day
July 17 is . . . . National Peach Ice Cream Day
July 18 is . . . . National Ice Cream Day and National Caviar Day
July 19 is . . . . Flitch Day
July 20 is . . . . Ugly Truck Contest Day
July 21 is . . . . National Tug-Of-War Tournament Day
July 22 is . . . . Ratcatcher’s Day
July 23 is . . . . National Vanilla Ice Cream Day
July 24 is . . . . Amelia Earhart Day
July 25 is . . . . Threading The Needle Day
July 26 is . . . . All Or Nothing Day
July 27 is . . . . Take Your Pants For A Walk Day
July 28 is . . . . National Milk Chocolate Day
July 29 is . .
What was your b-day dedicated to? (Check details)?
Got this in an email thought y'all might find it amusing.
Men Are Just Happier People-- What do you expect from such simple creatures? Your last name stays put. The garage is all yours. Wedding plans take care of themselves. Chocolate is just another snack. You can be President. You can never be pregnant. You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park. You can wear NO shirt to a water park. Car mechanics tell you the truth. The world is your urinal. You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is just too icky. You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt. Same work, more pay. Wrinkles add character. Wedding dress $5000. Tux rental-$100. People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them. New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet. One mood all the time.
Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat. You know stuff about tanks. A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase. You can open all your own jars. You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness. If someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend.
Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack. Three pairs of shoes are more than enough. You almost never have strap problems in public. You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes. Everything on your face stays its original color. The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades. You only have to shave your face and neck.
You can play with toys all your life. One wallet and one pair of shoes -- one color for all seasons. You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look. You can 'do' your nails with a pocket knife. You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache.
You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on December 24 in 25 minutes.
No wonder men are happier.Ok people this was meant as a joke. Just a bunch of hormonal women bitching about having to go through all this stuff that men don't have to. Get a sense of humor@Supertop-Try being the one that's never pleased.
Why men are happier than women?
ok guys, anyone who knows how much it SUCKS to be EXTREMLY SKINNY knows how im feeling.. and im soooo super tall, which makes it so much worse, because i look even more discusting. i get called bean pole, and it kills me inside.
not to mention, i run track, and while im trying to eat a lot, it just doesnt matter because i run the mile..
i also have a super high motabolism, guys, what do i do?! please please help.
im tired of hearing that "ii should be happy with the body i have" because now ive just come to the point where i hate wearing sneakers because i have big feet and my legs are too skinny and it looks weird.. my legs are so long,, and i cant even fit into a 00 long, bc i can never find it, just regulars so they are to short and just... ahhhh please guys, im begging.
i need to gain weight, but i run track?!?
By the age of 19, I had already left my parents home and was living with my fiancee, also 19. After the engagement, I found out I was pregnant with my first child -- a boy. And even though James was excited, I was terrified; I had never even wanted children. While pregnant, James was gone a lot. He worked for his father and was traveling constantly; I'm not real sure, I was never that involved with his work. Due to the fact that I was alone, without friends or family, I started to struggle with depression. I was lucky enough to have slipped out of it by the time my son was born. Though my relationship didn't have that much luck. James and I split, unable to compensate for the distance.
We dated off and on until our son was four. It didn't officially end until I came home and found him in bed with another woman. Unable to handle the betrayal, I ran straight into the arms of his brother. We weren't together five months before we were engaged and I was pregnant.. again. Arthur was around a lot, which left me with an optimism for the relationship. I was wrong, however, when I came home and found Arthur and all his things gone. My daughter was born two months after he left me.
For two more years, I was single, dating here and there, but mainly focusing on my kids. I battled with depression the entire time, struggling to maintain life as a single mother. It wasn't until I met my husband, Lucas, that I finally felt whole again. He swept me off my feet and I was instantly in love. We eloped less than a year after marrying and immediately began discussing the topic of kids. After some trying, we were blessed with our daughter. We now had four kids (my two, his teen daughter, and our baby). Things were well.. until a year and a half later when I found out I was pregnant.
Though happy, our marriage was struggling before then and neither of us was sure that we could fix it. I didn't think it was that bad, however, until I found him in our room... dead. He had committed suicide.
That was months ago and I am now raising all five kids alone, including the son I have birth to three months ago.
My question is: am I a horrible person for the anger I feel for our son? He looks so much like his father and just looking at him brings back the angry feelings I have towards my late husband. Though I love him, I find it hard to be around him.
Am I a horrible person?
Fathers sock on Xmas night, going First Footing on New Years Day. (Are the memories coming back?) Hows about?, Decorated Easter eggs (Did you Jarp them, or roll them down the hill?,They were happy times, were they not. You can remember!? Good...
Who remembers, Boolers and hoops? Cinder Toffee and half roasted Tatties on Bonfire night, hanging up your?
Hi, my name's Cole and I am a sophomore in high school. I played baseball up until 7th grade and during that year, I had lost all interest in the sport. I consider the last time I played well to be 6th grade. Freshman year rolled around last year and I signed up to try out for baseball. I practiced very little and was basically a walk-on. The tryout consisted of three days. The first day we threw with a partner, hit in the batting cages, bunted -- a whole lineup of stations. In the end, we sprinted for 30 minutes. I was basically wiped out at the end of it and the next day we were outside for about 6 hours. We did the same stations except outside because the previous day, it was flooded in the field. At the end of practice, my arm was basically dead because to put it frankly, my arm was not used to throwing. The third day was the same or less, except we sprinted less. At this point, I was on the fence about my performance. I had hit crappy the first day, hit decent the second day, and hit really well the third day. I play left field and my fielding was extremely shaky. I was hesitant, balls went over my head, balls went through my legs, and my throws were short. At the end of the third day, there was nothing more humiliating for me to read the list of kids who made it and to go into the locker room with all of my friends cheering and high-fiving while I stood dumbfounded. Luckily, that cut from the team was the motivation I needed to step up my game.
I joined the exact same team I played for in seventh grade, the one I did nothing but sit on the bench for. Now at this point, the kids are all the same on the team from 7th grade however none of them recognize me because: I had long hair and I had short hair now and I grew about an entire foot.
I did not practice any more and just played the games. I became increasingly worse and finally one game, I took off my mitt and came to my senses and realized my left hand was in great pain. The next day, both hands were absolutely killing me. The back of the hands, palms (and later in the summer, my fingers from being jammed in basketball [they never recovered and still aren't today]) and hands as whole were in pain. I stopped the baseball for two or three weeks and came back. I was swinging and missing every pitch. I and the coaches noticed I was swinging for the fences every pitch and I was swinging and ending up looking at the fence instead of keeping my eye on the ball.
The season passed and in the final game, I struck out once, flew out, and then I was up for the final out. BOOM. A single. That was the start of my journey. I felt so happy, I came in clutch and felt rejuvenated. The next batter struck out but I went home happy.
I got into a summer team as well to help with my practice. We practiced every day for two weeks and it kept seeming like my arm was getting weaker and my throws were wild. This discouraged me greatly and to add to the discouragement, I was batting like crap.
Then one practice, we were fooling around and playing home run derby in a kids field. I decided to take another kid's bat which was about 2 ounces lighter and shorter (I was using a 34-33). Boom, homerun. I absolutely knocked it out and I was shocked to see it soaring in the air. Boom, homerun. Boom, fly out. I was shocked and decided maybe the bat was reason for me striking out.
We then had a scrimmage the next day and I used my regular bat. I played right field and did alright but still, I was unsure of myself out there, almost like I didn't know what to do if I got the ball--just not with the game mentally.
I came to bat and 2 strikes. The entire team "Psh, this kid's killing me." "SWING THE BAT." "Keep your eyes on the ball." Smack, I ripped one down left field and I was so shocked, I stood and watched, trotting. It hit off the fence and before I knew it, I was only at first and the ball was in already. I ended up getting a liner to left and an infield hit. I was pleasantly surprised with myself.
Is there anything I can do to help prepare for baseball season?
Just the other night I had a nightmare that some guy covered in dirt (he was all brownish but white underneath was trying to break in so me and my mom camped the window to the bathroom, and then we saw a limb move and the guy peeked in and then ran off. The dream ended with me screaming in anger and getting ready to throw my favorite foot stool at the guy.
The second dream is of me riding on my brothers back (piggy back) and going through our kitchen. Somehow our roof was glass like by the sink and we saw a huge flaming ball of fire rain from the sky, but then for some reason I see it hit LA that already looked like it was in post-war and the dream ended with me being glad it hit there and not here.
My third and latest dream which was from this morning was of me being near a graveyard, well looked like a garden and I was there trying to sleep in it on a crate near it. And saw these huge night crawlers that had eyes and mouths like in a cartoon pop up and down, so I started humming "la la la-la lalalalalala" like in that spongbob episode I saw when I was 8. Then I got closer when they left the whole and it was like they morphed into some kittens and cats, and I was like (but they died) yet I was so happy that I started loving them and saw they looked exactly the same, just had some skin scars and their eyes were a pukish green. Then next a lot of people started coming back from the dead, I started seeing wacky people like a cowboy in a white trench coat with ZZ top style hair (lol spikes pointing out to side in narrow layers) and more people and more and more and more and then I woke up cause I had to go to the bathroom but it was scary.
After the first two dreams I got the chills and after all of them my heart was beating fast and my indigestion came back.
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