Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Ugly Truth Quotes

the ugly truth quotes

Katherine Heigl: The Ugly Truth Movie Trailer July 24, 2009 ...
Katherine Heigl's latest movie The Ugly Truth opens in theaters on July 24, 2009. MOVIE TRAILER, PHOTO.

Movie Quote Site » Movie Reviews: "The Ugly Truth”
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The Ugly Truth - Fans Of Reality TV
Old 07-17-2009, 04:09 PM. Bearcata Female. what a strong finger. Bearcata's Avatar. Join Date: Apr 2004. Location: the edge of the beltway. Posts: 7460. Re: The Ugly Truth. It looks like fun and I go based on that. ...

Movie Review: 'The Ugly Truth' - The Screening Log - blogging film
Freaky quote: "I'm gonna make this guy your bitch." – Gerard Butler. The final word: One quick smile is all “The Ugly Truth” got out of me. The film is far more forgettable than it looks, and in my opinion, it's a huge waste of ...

TopFinds: Obama's ratings dip, world's oldest man dies - Digital ...
The Grey's Anatomy star revealed what concerns her about the TV show, what film characters she enjoys playing and how much work she spent on The Ugly Truth. Definitely an informative profile, definitely a bookmark-worthy article. ...

Celebrity Quote of the Day: Katherine Heigl (The Ugly Truth ...
Celebrity Quote of the Day: Katherine Heigl (The Ugly Truth Trailer). Jul 24, 2009 Author: Missy | Filed under: Celebrity Gossip · Katherine Heigl Photo. The star of The Ugly Truth, Katherine Heigl seems a bit on the vain side. ...

Celebrity Quote of the Day: Katherine Heigl (The Ugly Truth ...
The star of The Ugly Truth, Katherine Heigl seems a bit on the vain side. When a recent conversation rolled around to the question of when she might be having a baby, she was quick to say she was putting pregnancy on hold for now.

7/23 - Gerard Butler Charmingly tells The Ugly Truth - Gerard ...
QUOTE. Stretching out on a couch, he's musing on his own personal take on the perennial male-female divide, which is the leitmotif of "The Ugly Truth," his new and somewhat raunchy R-rated comedy, as well as an obsession for the various ...

Texas for Sarah Palin: Quote of the Day (July 24, 2009)
Help keep ugly blog ads off of this website! They add clutter and cause pages to load slowly. If the Sarah Palin information you found here is useful to you, please consider making a contribution to our effort to get the truth out there ...

Why can't people acknowledge some of the cold hard truths of this world?
I am seventeen years old and I am looking into getting a tattoo this December. I will be turning 18 in late June, but I want to be able to go swimming without worrying about waiting for a new tattoo to heal, so I find getting it in Winter to be a better option. (More of a Christmas gift to myself rather than a Birthday gift). I am getting the tattoo for its personal significance-not just because I will be eighteen.

I created a basic graphic of what I want included in the tattoo. I want it to be on my inner wrist (probably below the crease) and I want it in black. I don't know the exact font I want, only that I want it to be kind of swirly and artistic. I may leave that up to the tattoo artist so that he or she can have some artistic freedom.

http://i43.tinypic.c om/jzzdyc.jpg [[PUT LINK TOGETHER]] (the colors are just because I was bored. This is just a general idea, but it is not to scale or anything)

The symbols are from a BarlowGirl song "I Believe in Love." The chorus of the song comes from a quote from a concentration camp wall that read:

"I believe in the sun even when it's not shining
I believe in love even when I don't feel it
and I believe in God, even when He is silent."

The song itself is about faith in hard times, and it is a reminder to me that I am not alone in my struggles, and that what I think or feel does not determine the truth.

In addition, there are four core lies I have told myself and believed about myself in the past: I am ugly, I am unloved, I am worthless, and I have no purpose. The four elements of the tattoo (verse and three symbols) represent truths to counteract these lies.

The sun, since it is the more "visual" of the symbols, is a reminder that I am beautiful and me thinking that I am ugly is not going to change that.

The heart, obviously, is a reminder that there are so many people who love me and care about me even if I feel like I am completely alone.

The cross is a reminder that the sacrifice Christ made for me makes me worthy and that in His eyes I am precious and far from worthless.

The verse is a reminder that God has a plan and purpose for my life and that He knows what He is doing.

I am very set on the inner-left wrist location. I am right handed, so getting a tattoo on the left wrist seems to be more logical-especially for my first tattoo. I understand that this tattoo will supposedly keep me from getting jobs, but I intend on having a career as a writer and possibly stay-at-home mother in the future. I am prepared to take any measures to cover up the tattoo if it is needed, but I really want the tattoo to be in a place that will still be easily visible when I want it to be. In addition, inner left wrist has personal significance.

I have been conducting research on the tattooing process, places to get tattoos in the area, the pain that I may experience (I can handle a great deal of pain in the wrist area, and I also know that after a little while the body "numbs" itself so the pain decreases as the tattooing process continues), and the healing process. I am trying to have as much knowledge as possible before I make the commitment to the tattoo, and I am simply looking for opinions on the tattoo I want. I am aware that it is a permanent decision.

Do you think the tattoo is a stupid idea?http://i43.tinypic.c*om/jzzdyc.jpg (remove the *)

Yahoo! Answers shows an error message when I post the link and the link does work when it is put together. I just tested it in 3 different browsers.

What do you think of my tattoo idea? Do you think it is stupid?
I am seventeen years old and I am looking into getting a tattoo this December. I will be turning 18 in late June, but I want to be able to go swimming without worrying about waiting for a new tattoo to heal, so I find getting it in Winter to be a better option. (More of a Christmas gift to myself rather than a Birthday gift).

The tattoo I want will be all in black and will consist of "Jeremiah 29:11" on my inner wrist (below the crease of my hand). I am not completely sure on the font, but I definitely want something that flows and maybe swoops/curls around somehow.

Below the scripture reference, I want three evenly spaced symbols (also in black): a sun, a heart, and a cross. These symbols are from a BarlowGirl song "I Believe in Love." The chorus of the song comes from a quote from a concentration camp wall that read:

"I believe in the sun even when it's not shining
I believe in love even when I don't feel it
and I believe in God, even when He is silent."

The song itself is about faith in hard times, and it is a reminder to me that I am not alone in my struggles, and that what I think or feel does not determine the truth.

In addition, there are four core lies I have told myself and believed about myself in the past: I am ugly, I am unloved, I am worthless, and I have no purpose. The four elements of the tattoo (verse and three symbols) represent truths to counteract these lies.

The sun, since it is the more "visual" of the symbols, is a reminder that I am beautiful and me thinking that I am ugly is not going to change that.

The heart, obviously, is a reminder that there are so many people who love me and care about me even if I feel like I am completely alone.

The cross is a reminder that the sacrifice Christ made for me makes me worthy and that in His eyes I am precious and far from worthless.

The verse is a reminder that God has a plan and purpose for my life and that He knows what He is doing.

I am very set on the inner-left wrist location. I am right handed, so getting a tattoo on the left wrist seems to be more logical-especially for my first tattoo. I understand that this tattoo will supposedly keep me from getting jobs, but I intend on having a career as a writer and possibly stay-at-home mother in the future. I am prepared to take any measures to cover up the tattoo if it is needed, but I really want the tattoo to be in a place that will still be easily visible when I want it to be. I do not wear anything that shows my back, hips, or stomach so getting a tattoo there would be pointless since it would never be seen. In addition, I wear jeans year-round as I am self-conscious of my thighs and legs, so I don't see any point in getting a tattoo there. Plus, the inner left wrist has personal significance.

I am researching tattoo care advice so that I am fully prepared for what it will take to care for the tattoo. I have been planning this tattoo for a while now. It has personal significance and I am fully aware of any of the negatives regarding visible tattoos and I am also aware that it will be permanent.

Do you think the tattoo is a stupid idea?I know it will take a few weeks for the tattoo to heal, which is why getting a tattoo in winter makes the most sense. In addition, these religious views are mine and mine alone-not my parent's or anybody else's. I have had the same views since I was at least four (maybe younger).

I also want to clarify that while I am getting a tattoo when I am 18, I am only using that date as I cannot get a tattoo prior to my 18th Birthday. I am getting the tattoo for the personal significance, not the age.

HELP! Is this a stupid idea for a tattoo? Why do you say that?
Okay, some of my contacts know that I moved from Michigan to Kentucky. I hate it here, and there is this girl who, she's such a poseur! She's always "I love you so much!" and "How dare you! BFF BROKEN! JK!" UGH! and like, the thing that bugs me is, I LOVE My Chemical Romance and ever since I snapped and said, "No, you don't love me, and we're not 'bffs' we're barely friends! You barely know me!" She has been a little suck up, and not only that, she's pretending to like My Chemical Romance!!!!!! Which, she can suck up all she wants, but, when she PRETENDS to like MCR, she's crossing the line!

But, like, we were supposed to research someone, we could work in partners, or by ourselves, (I wanted to be by myself, I hate working in groups) so she grabs my arm and I jump and I said, "WHAT are you doing?!" She's like, don't you wanna be partners? I was like, what does that have to do with you grabbing my arm? Do you think someones gonna scoop me up and steal me before we can work together? People don't like me, okay? So then she just says whatever (which is another thing that gets on my nerves ughhh) So she was like, Lets do Gerard Way! She does not give a **** about MCR or Gerard Way, so I gave her a look and said, Why, you don't like them, your scared of them remember? Gerard Way is ugly, and Frank Iero is a tattooed moron? (UGH! She said that!) I'm getting interested in them was all she had to say, I want to STRANGLE HER!!

Then yesterday, on I.M. this is what happened, here's bits and pieces of our chat...
Girl: I am watching American Idol. Some of these peeps are jokes!!!

Me: Eww, how can you watch that?

Me: It's so boring.

Girl: They have no talent!!! But one of the judges,Simon, is so mean! He just comes straight out and tells them waht he really thinks of them. (This is me. Is that not what your supposed to do?)


Girl: Well.some people.......... ....



Girl: GOSH!

Girl:ITS NOT!!1

Me: I'm not part of everyone then. I'm embarrassed to be a part of the human race!

Girl: I wish you would quit looking and thinking down on your self!!!!!!!!!! You make people around you(including me) pity on themselves. You are a human being of the human races.PERIOD.

Girl: My mother WAS reading, she left.

Me: Well, that's my outlook on life, and other things. You know, this makes me wonder why you are 'interested' in My Chemical Romance, that's all they talk about. Life.

Girl: HEY!!! Why do you reject the fact that I might like the band? Just because I like one song, does'tn mean I don't have a positive thought on it!!

Girl: Well, I have to go. My mom has an online class to get to.

Me: Sometimes I don't understand.

Me:This is one of those times where I do.

Girl: Bye Taylor. See ya tomorrow.

Girl: Hang on. Understand what?

Me: Goodbye.

Me: I feel the need to do something.

Girl: Whatever.... Bye.

Me: hmm.

Girl: I really don't like the statuses you leave, or whatever they r!! I don't care. But some ppl. may think think something of them, even if they r quotes from Gerard. I do think of things like that!!!! I would sure appreciate if you would stop them, and leave positive things. An example(if you don't understand what I'm saying):Taylor Cobb is Available - I think I'll blow my brains against the ceiling.

Girl: See ya!

Me: That is positive.

Girl: TAYLOR!!!!

Me: There how is that? WHAT?

Girl:so youthink that I don't know whatI'm saying? (This is me, at this point I changed my status to, "You sing the words but don't know what it means, I felt it was appropriate. :])

Me: No, that's another part of a song. My favorite one, I'm Not Okay (I Promise).

Girl: I will leave because my temper si running short. Last time we wasarguing when you said we were barely friends, I started crying, that was childish to say but it is true.

Me: Look, the truth is, I'm not the happiest person in the world, as hard as that is to understand, it's true, I have different views then other people, that's why people call me emo. That's what they think.

Girl: SEE YA TOMORROW TAYLOR. Tell me anything else on my email.LOVE YA FOR REAL!!! AND 4 1, i DON'T THINK THAT YOU ARE.
UGH! Why can't she take a hint? Why? eh...
Anyways, I want to know, what can I do about her, and, when she gets on I.M. in 10 minutes... what is an MCR song quote that would drive her insane? Hehe, thank you!

Ugh, poseur girl I talk to won't leave me alone!!?
I personally would like to know why people,particularly those claiming to be "good,honest,Religious" people say that those who claim to be atheists aren't really atheists (those are the types that claim that those kinds of people really do believe in God deep down inside them.) Those sorts of claims are very insulting,insensitive,uncalled for,& down right condescending. I type this because my aging(obnoxious,nut bar) mother who claims to be a "Christian" woman.Thinks that deep down I don't really mean what I say when I say that I just don't believe in God and she said some other hurtful things to me that have been pushed down inside myself and it makes me wish that that fat ugly loud preachy tantrum prone freak would drop dead. If what I'm typing shocks you don't be to surprised. I'm sure plenty of you out there have or are still having this sort of problem with your relatives or friends who think that they know or understand what your feeling or thinking. I'm going through a lot besides the whole issue with my being an atheist with my mother (and I won't bore you with all the long,traumatic,complicated,situation I'm in.So let just say the older my mom gets the more of a flippant,stubborn,thoughtless asshole she becomes.) I'm sure those of you have your share of parents,grandparents, friends..etc who act like being an atheist is the worst thing in the universe. They suddenly feel the need to try & "educate" A.K.A preach to you about it (all the while thay act like the oppsite of what a "good" christain is suppose to be even moreso.) They start talking over you & feel the stupid need to recite quotes from the bible (which they themselve don't bother reading & might know even less about it then you yourself might know.). They act all holier-then-thou and that's the kind of B.S that's really depressing & makes me hate people who do that especially those who constantly comeup with convoluted & contradictory responses to you trying to tell them to lay off & quit nagging hem about you being an athesist. This I beilve is mostly true if you belong to a minorty group (with me & my mom both being black people and I suppose to an aging black female that having a person who is black & an atheist is to much to bear let alone not to accept that part of them.) But like I stated earlier I'm currently going through other issues with my mother (if you can call her that with the way she acts) and if ?I could move out of the house I would & not have to put up with this type of ignorant B.S. But I can't at the moment and have decied it's best not to speak to her and avoid her as much as possible. So back to my main point: Why are some so quick to start raising cain about someone being an atheist & consider them a bad person? Why can't people just realize that people have a right not to beilve in God or Gods and how would they know what is considered the truth? And why is it particularly hard for minorities to realize that others in their group might not beileve in the same things that they do?

Feel free to comment ?& type out your responsesTo those of you who have given intelligent & thoughtful answers I thank you. To those who pointed out that I sould have spaced this wall of of text before I wrote this. Like I stated before: I'm a going through a lot of painful crap so please,forgive me for not typing my inner out in a way that was easier for you to read [note the sarcasim ladies & gents].
To those to ranted & posted qoutes from the bible and went off on me: Didn't I imply that I simplely wanted reasonable answers to this kind of question,without the obvious malice that would be placed into this post.

To those of you who are chirstains who have stated that you been unfairly treated by athesits: While some of you who aren't religous zealots & might have been unfairly treated for your belifes,the same goes with how a lot of athesits get treated by fantical religious zealots. And in turn that makes some athesits embitter towards those who do beilve in the bible.Which could insight a lot of bitter feelings abound.

Why are so many people against Atheists? Whats the need to demonize those who are Atheists?
ei guys hows it going?ladies and gents i all welcome you to answer this question of mine and I would really appreciate it if you girls out there would put an effort on answering this, coz i want to hear it from a womans point of view and ofcoure i would also want to hear what my brothers out there have to say.Ok?ok i met this girl the other night, shes my sister's friend, we hang out at a bar with my sister ofcourse and with her bf, # 1 and # 2.when we got there shes with her # 2 bf and then later that night #1 txted her that he will be coming so # 2 left.hey fyi im not having a culture shock or something like that coz im used to this kind of girls but my problem is she told my sister before that she kinda like me and she wants my sister to introduce me to her, but the whole night we were talking like "friends" only but i dont mind i dont even care if she likes me or not, she didnt ask for my number thru my sister , she also didnt show any signs that she wants to communicate with me, and im cool with that, i dont care, until...the next day i woke up and I started to think,I started to give a damn!What happened to her? i mean did i fail to express my thoughts on certain topics?did i look bad during that night?I mean im not a conceited type of guy but to tell you the truth im good looking, im not a nerd or a loser, a have a great smile, great personality thats why im wondering what is it that im lacking that she doesnt seem to have any attraction towards me?Not to mention that her BF is ugly, doesnt have money, and she knows it, she even tells us that her BF is not handsome.So the following night, i asked my sister for her number and texted her, i told her that i was in a commercial place very near her house and i told her that she could drop by for awhile, she replied "Shes not available and maybe we could do it some other time, and then she said thanks anyway, take care!U know as far as I know that if she likes me, even if shes doing something she would drop by right?and Im sure that she wasn't busy at that time.I know I shouldn't have texted her to think that she didn't even gave me her number personaly, but im beginning to feel attracted to her now coz im not used to this kind of women who doesn't seem to like me.U guys know what im saying right?thats just how attraction works right?so tell me what should I do?I was thinking maybe i should text her a funny quote or a love quote so i wont appear like im bitter!What do u think guys?Now i cant cant get her off my mind!!Damn!=)

Ladies, Homies, I really need your help!PLLssss...=)?
ei guys hows it going?ladies and gents i all welcome you to answer this question of mine and I would really appreciate it if you girls out there would put an effort on answering this, coz i want to hear it from a womans point of view and ofcoure i would also want to hear what my brothers out there have to say.Ok?ok i met this girl the other night, shes my sister's friend, we hang out at a bar with my sister ofcourse and with her bf, # 1 and # 2.when we got there shes with her # 2 bf and then later that night #1 txted her that he will be coming so # 2 left.hey fyi im not having a culture shock or something like that coz im used to this kind of girls but my problem is she told my sister before that she kinda like me and she wants my sister to introduce me to her, but the whole night we were talking like "friends" only but i dont mind i dont even care if she likes me or not, she didnt ask for my number thru my sister , she also didnt show any signs that she wants to communicate with me, and im cool with that, i dont care, until...the next day i woke up and I started to think,I started to give a damn!What happened to her? i mean did i fail to express my thoughts on certain topics?did i look bad during that night?I mean im not a conceited type of guy but to tell you the truth im good looking, im not a nerd or a loser, a have a great smile, great personality thats why im wondering what is it that im lacking that she doesnt seem to have any attraction towards me?Not to mention that her BF is ugly, doesnt have money, and she knows it, she even tells us that her BF is not handsome.So the following night, i asked my sister for her number and texted her, i told her that i was in a commercial place very near her house and i told her that she could drop by for awhile, she replied "Shes not available and maybe we could do it some other time, and then she said thanks anyway, take care!U know as far as I know that if she likes me, even if shes doing something she would drop by right?and Im sure that she wasn't busy at that time.I know I shouldn't have texted her to think that she didn't even gave me her number personaly, but im beginning to feel attracted to her now coz im not used to this kind of women who doesn't seem to like me.U guys know what im saying right?thats just how attraction works right?so tell me what should I do?I was thinking maybe i should text her a funny quote or a love quote so i wont appear like im bitter!What do u think guys?Now i cant cant get her off my mind!!Damn!=)

Ladies, Homies, I really need your help!PLLssss...=)?
In defense of her being a teen mother she told a reporter that "If you weren't having sex at 16, you were probably ugly (unattractive)"? Do you think she was being shallow or is there some truth to that?

What do you think of Jamie Lynn Spears' quote?
I recently posted this question, and it was removed. Either from Obama supporters who don't like the truth, or the quotes aren't truth, Can someone verify these quotes !!!!!!! I recieved from an answer on Yahoo Answers

Below are a few lines from Obama's books. His own words:

From Dreams of My Father: 'I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white.'

From Dreams of My Father: ; 'It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name

From Dreams of My Father: 'I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man,
son of Africa, that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, Dubois and Mandela.'

From Audacity of Hope:

'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'

Are these Obama quotes true?
And the winner is ****** John McCain ******

That's an exact quote of what John McCain said about Chelsea Clinton when she was only 12 years old.

If a Presidential candidate called your child ugly or your neighbors child, or any child in America ugly trying to tell a sick joke would you vote for him?

And what about poor little "Trig" with down syndrome? Can you imagine what John McCain really thinks about that little baby?

If John McCain thinks Chelsea Clinton was ugly when she was only 12 years old. What is John McCain thinking about poor little "Trig" as you read this. Is John McCain making sick jokes about poor little Trig?

Can a man (John McCain) that would attack a child be President of the United States?

Speak truth to power.

Mr. News

Who said this horrible thing about a 12 year old child? "i think she is ugly", trying to make a sick joke.?
I once read a quote from Rush Limbaugh stating "Modern feminism was started by ugly women just to get to be more accepted by mainstream society" But I'm not all sure how much truth is there to that,I still imagine there's more to feminism than just that,but what are some of those other things,I'm not all sure.

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